My favorite web based service! – WiiAlters

by f1orentine

I like to use the web as a form of omnipresence. Becoming like a god drawing information from areas that would otherwise be blocked. To this end I use a service called “wiialerts” which notifies me when certain products come online via email, phone, and text. When you register you select among a variety of products. You are then given a choice of email, phone, and text for how the service will notify you that your product is available.

The service was chosen by me  for its feedback system. When you receive a alert whether it be through email or text, the service ask you whether or not you received the product in time. I have seen noticeable improvement after submitting to the feedback system unlike from similar services.

This tool is incredibly valuable deep in the holiday season when you are searching for a product online that is out of stock, and maintains high demand. Where otherwise the product would be hidden from your grasp by using this service you gain a level of omnipresence. You even save time! No longer will you waste away bookmarking every store that has the product you desire. With wiialerts your product is just a click away.

Additional Notes: I use Gmail Notifier paired with this service to quickly recognize when an incoming alert is nigh.